Compared to other cave attractions in Winton, Princess Cave Village Kencono Wonodadi, Pracimantoro easiest to reach. What are the majors with Karst Museum, about 40 miles south of Witney town center Wonogiri.
A board on the right road directions before Pracimantoro District office can be a guide visitors. Me and my entourage who recently visited the cave should take 3 km from the sign it toward the cave entrance. The road is wide enough that I went through to large-sized bus from one direction. If there are other four-wheeled vehicles from opposite directions, one of them had to step aside to make way.
The gate leading to the cave is located on the left Kencono Princess street. There is a parking area spacious enough to accommodate both vehicles. After walking about 200 meters uphill, I arrived at the mouth of the cave. In that place, the officers had welcomed me with safety equipment such as helmets. Unfortunately, a limited number of helmets that not all members of the group gets.
Such as Log Home
Princess Cave Kencono truly unique. I like invited into a stone-walled house as he entered the cave is believed to be relics of the Majapahit era was. Once inside, I saw a room 4 m width that resembles the lobby of a house. On one side of the room looks a little gap that serves as a door to enter another room bigger.
In the cave area of about 1,000 m2, there are some spaces in a single lane. There is a living culture, a kapusakan, jumenengan space, workshop space, a family room and a spring panyuwunan. Spring panyuwunan small pond filled with water believed to have properties. Each room is marked with a sign that can be read clearly because of the lighting bright enough room.
According to the Department of Tourism Culture Youth and Sports (Disbudparpora) Winton, who manages the place, Darmadi, naming the room through the long procession. Having found the local residents, Wasino, on January 1, 1991 and excavated until 1992, the diggers of Padepokan Wali Songo / master Supandriyo held a ritual and salvation in the cave every Friday Legi. During the time that the names of the room was reputedly whispered into the ear of the figures.
Every room in the cave filled with stalactites and stalagmites are still dripping water. Cave ceiling height varies 3-5 m. Water droplets that make the cave floor was wet and slippery. Cave visitors must be extra careful not to slip.
End Kencono Princess Cave is a large room that dead end. So, to get out, visitors should go back to the entrance.
Development Efforts
Cave length Kencono daughter actually still be added about 5 m of which has now opened. If the end of the cave excavations continued, also known as the UB or Gua Gua Purple Princess Kencono it leads to a small river valley.
"If it can be forwarded beautiful. We have submitted the proposal with a budget of about Rp 5 million to continue the excavation of about 5 m to 10 workers for 2 weeks, "said a senior official.
Meanwhile, the head Disbudparpora Wonogiri, Pranoto, believes Cave Kencono daughter could be one of the tourist attraction Winton. Now that he is initiated a memorandum of understanding (MoU) schools to introduce the Princess Cave Kencono to students. The uniqueness and natural beauty of this cave, according to him, can not only be enjoyed both, but also can be a precise study. However, he also acknowledged the need for reforms and improvements are included to continue the excavation cave.
Taken from Solopos
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